Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Thoughts in reveiw:
Did anyone critique your work this week? If so, what were their impressions?
    • I gave a presentation of work "up until now" in studio. Impressions were mixed, generally there was empathy for the work, sympathy for it projection quality which was very poor(not bright enough). Overall I need to teach myself to speak more confidently, more decisively even when I do not feel as such. Got to get a spiel on. I obviously need to do at least one piece on race just so I can have something to say about it. I don't feel like I can try and simply recontexturalize my old work in terms of race, but I do think I need to learn how to speak about those pieces in terms of how people see race. The unfortunate thing is that people find it easy to comment on race in relation to a person of color's art but not in terms of a white (yes I said it) artist's. Is the tennant of identity laced with the other and why is the other not always the other. Furthermore is it a matter of responsibility? Responsibility to myself? To others? To a social construction? I also need to stop fearing the label of "black artist." I am so glad being a male artist isn't marginalized for I might be afraid of being one of those too!
  • What was the most motivational or creative moment of the past week?
    • Motivational moment: realizing I now have permission to do work on race.
  • What do you want to achieve in next week's studio practice?
    • Iron out what the most interesting of several new ideas will be and start researching.
    • What did you achieve in your studio this past week?
    • scheduling classes saying goodbye to summer.
  • What has been an artistic failure this week?
    • speaking like a monk. With out confidence, without certainty. Without a spine.
  • What was the most profound thought in relation to your practice this week?
    • I don't talk about race enough. If identity is what I am avoiding- meet it head on.
    • I was asked "what do I fear?" last year. This is one of those fears- to get pigeonholed.
  • If there was a visiting artist this week, what is your impression of their work and process in relation to your own?
    • NA-No visiting artist. However I did attend A sculpture crit class (audit) which was very positive. It reaffirms my notion that we need more interaction between the Pollock Camp and the FAB camp.

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