Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Grad Research Artist Statement and New Semester Work Documentation

My work explores the fears, frustrations and alienation that occur in institutional settings. The institutions: the office, the school, the hospital, places that are historically thought of as umbrellas for the masses. Harboring each individual with their own sense of history, culture and sense of self. The specter of the institution has proven often to be just the opposite. These spaces that should canonize acceptance, care and guardianship are in fact a place of ostercization, humiliation and conformity. These are surrogate spaces that attempt to function as homes might have.
Issues of repetition, restlessness, tasking without resolution, boredom, confusion and complacency are all themes that are found in my work.
The use of video allows the viewer to experience the weight of time as well as the actions portrayed in each work more effectively that the single photograph. Contrived sound is integral as well as it allows the viewer auditory clues and prompts offering tools to better interpret the visuals spectrum.
Institutions such as hospitals, high schools, churches and factories are fundamental contributing factors in the history of progress. However, in the same breath these same institutions have resulted in many grievous wrongs against the history of the human condition.

1 comment:

Paul Thulin-Jimenez said...


Do you have any new work developing for the semester? Any sketches--- any studio activity at all?

Also, I think we need to work on this artist statement.

Are you still focusing on institutionalization as your main theme?