Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Thoughts of interest – Sometimes you find wierd coincidences and-but even moreso on the web.
One of the terms/ art vocab thown around last year was the myth of Sisiphus. The implication for my work and others was the idea of unending or fruitless tasks. I raqndomly found a website called "The Sisyphus Files -Climbing up the mountain again and again…" so if you want you can go there if you want a brief recap about who Sisyphus was:
"He was a king punished in the Tartarus by being cursed to roll a huge boulder up a hill, only to watch it roll down again, and repeat this throughout eternity. Today, Sisyphean can be used as an adjective meaning that an activity is unending and/or repetitive. It could also be used to refer to tasks that are pointless and unrewarding.”
You can also go there to find out what the author thinks of artist Pia Lindman!? Funny and small internet world of blogging. Paul posted something on Pia for me the other day so I could check her out. And I have!
- Answer the following questions:

  • Did anyone critique your work this week? If so, what were their impressions?
I have had no such contact
  • What was the most motivational or creative moment of the past week?
Oddly enough Kevin Everson may have been the most motivational and the National Portrait Gallery was the most creative moment-well in addition to the Native American Museum. The NAMU is crazy contemporary in it's attention to...well being contemporary. Everything is looking forward while looking back. Usually you might expect a curatorial direction of "primative." So that we as visitor can come look at the corpse of native american. This is quite the oposite- we are encouraged to see the past present and future possibilities of the Native American Indian.
  • What do you want to achieve in next week's studio practice?
To do something else other than read and write!
  • What did you achieve in your studio this past week?
Nothing of note other than read, check out book and read..I mean watch videos.
  • What has been an artistic failure this week?
Succumbing to the sicknesses of the flesh.
  • What was the most profound thought in relation to your practice this week?
That I shouldn't let criticisms infect the direction of my work, and I need to define that for myself.
  • If there was a visiting artist this week, what is your impression of their work and process in relation to your own?
- Post 1 picture, video, etc. of your choice

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